Best Food Trucks of 2017 in Dallas TX
Now that spring is officially here, it’s time to enjoy the great outdoors. On the days that you’re roaming around in the great weather, you might work up an appetite. For the times when hunger strikes, there are a number of food truck options in the area. Check out our list of some of the best food trucks in Dallas, and be sure to share your favorites in the comment section below the blog.

Burger 360°
Sometimes, you might just want a good burger. Luckily for you, Burger 360° is on the way and provides just that! The ingredients are locally-sourced, which means that they’re also incredibly fresh. So, if you’re in search of something savory, be sure to check out this food truck! For more information on Burger 360°, click on the link above.
Aunt Shirley’s
Chicken, more chicken, pork, and bacon – oh my! If you’re into meaty sandwiches and other treats, you might want to stop by Aunt Shirley’s for a bite. Waffles are also included in a few of the meal options, for a nice, southern feel. So, if you’re outside, hungry, and craving something tasty, visit Aunt Shirley’s food truck. Find out more from the above link.
What’s da Scoop?
If you’re from Dallas, you know that spring gives way to a very hot summer. By the time the summer months arrive, you just might want a cold snack to cool you down. Whenever you find yourself in that position, What’s da Scoop has you covered! The ice cream food truck offers everything from floats to extreme sundaes! Check out the link above for more information.
Restaurants open for 2017 Easter Brunch near Dallas TX
It may be surprising, but it’s almost April. By the time April rolls around, it’s time to start thinking about Easter! While it may be hard to believe, it’s time to start planning where you’ll have Easter Brunch. You may have been considered hosting a meal for family and friends, but quickly dismissed the thought when you imagined what the clean-up would be like. In case you’ve found yourself in this position, we’ve compiled a list of restaurants open for Easter Sunday near Dallas TX. Keep reading to see your options for 2017!