Category Archives: Used BMW

BMW M4 CS racing on a track.

BMW’s special M model will offer drivers 454 horsepower

Will the 2018 BMW M4 CS be released in the U.S.?

BMW is no stranger to innovation, and especially lately, the brand has been showing off its affinity for creation. There are plenty of areas where the brand shines, but one of the most obvious areas the brand shines is in its M model lineup. BMW M models are the brands most powerful and sport-tuned models around, and soon the M lineup will have a new member – the 2018 BMW M4 CS. The model is to be released in the U.S. very soon – so, if you’ve been looking to find a high-powered model for yourself, be sure to check out what this special edition will have to offer. Read the rest of this entry >>

A tech-laden BMW 7-Series EV with its doors open.

BMW looks to humanized technology in the VISION NEXT 100

What are some of BMW’s future plans and objectives?

BMW is no stranger to innovation, and the brand has laid out a plan for the its next 100 vehicles, by creating the BMW VISION NEXT 100. BMW sees the future as an opportunity to further its advances in technology and continue to give drivers more assistance on the road. A clear vision has been laid out by the company, in order to let its customers in on some of the items they’ll see in the years to come. If you’re a fan of BMW, keep on reading to see what technologies have been included in the VISION NEXT 100 and what we may soon see in the wonderful world of Bimmer.
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The BMW i8 concept car exterior

BMW’s Spyder Concept may come to life in the near future

Will the BMW i8 Roadster make it to production?

BMW constantly keeps the auto world on its toes, especially when it comes to new technology. One prime example of this is the brand’s concept models. Nearly four years ago, the brand released the BMW i8 Spyder Concept, giving viewers the notion that it would be released in the near future. Well, the future is now and rumor has it that the BMW i8 Roadster (which is based off of the concept model) will make it to production fairly soon. Read on for details! Read the rest of this entry >>

The interior of the BMW X5.

BMW’s new technology will see a February release

Which BMW models have wireless Apple CarPlay?

If you follow the wonderful world of cars, chances are that you’ve heard of Apple’s CarPlay feature. The system allows drivers to interact with their iPhone without taking their eyes off the road – a safer solution to phone usage in vehicles. The ability to utilize this technology used to require a USB cord, but now, thanks for the innovative spirit from one of our favorite manufacturer’s, drivers can connect wirelessly to their device. If you’re curious about Apple CarPlay’s wireless capability and which vehicles offer the technology without needing a cord, keep on reading. We also have some news on when this technology will hit the road. Read the rest of this entry >>

A side exterior view of the BMW 5 Series sedan

What people are saying about the 2017 BMW 5 Series?

BMW is always on the verge of dropping a hot, new model. This year (2016) was no exception with the release of details on the 2017 BMW 5 Series. If you’re a luxury car fan, you don’t want to miss checking this model out. As one of BMW’s most technology-filled sedans yet, the brand has plenty to brag about. If you’re curious what others are saying about the 2017 BMW 5 Series so far, check out some of the tweets below! Read the rest of this entry >>

BMW Z4 model in orange

BMW and Toyota team up to produce new sports cars!

2018 BMW Z5 engine options and release date

BMW is one of the master and commanders of the auto universe. While that’s the case, it never hurts to have another powerful partner assist in building models. BMW will partner with Toyota – another auto world great – to introduce a couple new sports models to the market. So far, it’s looking like the first two models will be the BMW Z5 and the Toyota Supra. If you’re curious to learn more about the 2018 BMW Z5 engine options and release date, we have some information to share! Read on for the details.
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A 2024 BMW i4 EV at a charging station.

BMW’s next electric model could give Tesla competition

2019 BMW 3-Series vs. Tesla Model 3

If you’re a vehicle enthusiast, you’ve undoubtedly heard the name Tesla thrown around. The unique thing about the brand is that it produced an extremely appealing all-electric car, and it gathered a lot of buzz in the process. While that may be the case, BMW is right up there as far as innovation and it seems like the two brands may be in direct competition. The German brand has created a wide variety of electric models, many of which have offered high mileage from a battery-powered source. If you’re curious what happens when we put the 2019 BMW 3-Series electric model vs. Tesla Model 3, read on. Read the rest of this entry >>

The Mercedes E-Class Sedan

Compare used German luxury models and decide which is the best buy!

Used Mercedes-Benz vs. BMW vs. Audi pricing, power and cost

The German Big Three- Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi- are notorious for being some of the most sought-after luxury models in the world. While that may be the case, each brand is unique in their offerings. One brand might offer intense horsepower, while others have more of a focus on fuel savings and affordability. If you’re curious about how used Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi models measure up in the areas of pricing, power and cost, read on. We’ve done a bit of research for you!

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A rear quarter exterior view of the BMW i3 EV.

BMW’s new compact electric vehicle offers a more efficient drive

2017 BMW i3 battery range changes and gallery

As one of the auto world’s most innovative brands, BMW knows how to turn heads. The brand recently announced that its new i3 model will have an extensive range increase, giving drivers a viable reason to switch to an electric vehicle. The 2017 BWW i3 battery range reflects the changes of the industry, namely the demand for longer lasting power. The brand also recently released photos of the all-new model. If you’re curious to learn more about the BMW i3’s battery and appearance, look no further! Read the rest of this entry >>

2016 BMW 330e iPerformance exterior front quarter view.

BMW releases new name for the 330e plug-in hybrid

2016 BMW 330e iPerformance release date

For a century, BMW has provided the auto world with plenty of head-turning models. As technology advances, the brand is taking it upon itself to equip its models with the latest and greatest features. The BMW 330e plug-in hybrid has made waves in the auto world, but now BMW is adding another brand-new element to it. The 2016 BMW 330e will be equipped with iPerformance technology, which is why BMW decided to create a new name for the model: the BMW 330e iPerformance. Read on for more about iPerformance technology and for the the release date of the new, exciting model. Read the rest of this entry >>